Stand out to Potential Employers

Your resume needs to stand out from the stack that the recruiter or hiring manager will be going through. They might have hundreds of potential applicants applying for the job. As a manager of a retail store I reviewed a large number of resumes each month, and I am going to be honest many ended up in the trash pretty quick.
Technology also plays a role on how a resume moves forward to the hiring manger. There are computer programs that will screen your resume to ensure you have the skills required. Here are several ways to make sure your resume will make it through to the recruiter, and you will be called for a job interview.
1. Read job descriptions.
Start by creating a list of requirements for the job and matching them with your skills. If you do not have a certain skill, find a related skill that you may have. So think about the skills you have, and what is required for the job. Then update your cover letter and resume with the matching skills. You want to show that you meet the job requirements.
The recruiting software will scan your cover letter and resume for keywords, that will move the application forward. You want to ensure you are adding the appropriate keywords and that your resume is customized to the job you are applying to. It is very tempting to use a resume template, but keep in mind that many other applicants might be using the same template. Be original and create your resume from scratch. Keep in mind that a professional recruiter can tell who is using a template. If you want to be called for an interview take your time preparing your cover letter and resume.
Simplify your resume format in order to be discovered by recruiting software. The format to follow is contact information,work experience, skills, education.
2. Work experience.
When you have composed your resume synopsis, the following area to take on is your work experience. Rattling off your experience is not as straightforward as listing all that you have done in your vocation. Rather, you need to include the significance of your past work that are particularly pertinent to the job you are applying to.
Your work experience is the most important section of your resume. You want to create a resume that stands out and shows that you have the skills for the job.
Here are a couple of things you should focus on in the work experience section:
- Positions held
- Brief rundown of duties
- Accurate employment periods
Be honest and truthful don’t be caught in a lie. If you have gaps in your employment history, you can add volunteer work or explain that perhaps you were caring for your child or parent. The recruiter is looking for honesty and will not penalize you for telling the truth. Do not leave gaps create a timeline that clearly describes your work history since leaving school.
3. Don’t List Unnecessary Information.
You should avoid cluttering your resume with needless information. Focus on your most qualifying qualities and develop the resume to spotlight those qualities. The hiring manager has a limited amount of time to skim through resumes. This is why it is important to ensure that your resume focuses on the skills that the job requires.
Take your time to write your resume tailored to the job. You want to use keywords that recruiters will identify as crucial for the job. As the recruiter is skimming your resume, he or she will catch a few keywords that might just put your resume in the call for an interview pile.
Grammatical errors are a reflection of your skills. The recruiter might assume that you are not detail oriented. Before you send off your resume have a friend or family member proofread it.
The type of information that you share on your resume can sway the decision. Never share your political leaning, age, sexual orientation, religion. Employers should not make decisions based on any of those things, but you might tempt the recruiter to overlook your resume.
The resume is your work history and highlights your qualifications. The recruiter needs to quickly identify if you can do the job. The easier you make it for the recruiter to process your resume the more job interviews you will get.
Don’t be discouraged if you do not get called in for an interview after sending out a few resumes. Keep updating your resume, and customizing it to each job. Your effort will pay off you will get called for an interview. The other benefit of reviewing your resume often is that when you do get an interview, you will be prepared to answer questions and be more confident.