At about 3 PM I noticed that I was running low on milk. The supermarket was the last place I wanted to go to this afternoon. There I was standing in the kitchen looking in the refrigerator and glancing over at the coffee maker. In my new normal coffee and milk is my comfort go to that reminds me of the afternoons I spent in coffee shops. Well something had to be done, soon the stores will be closed for the day. The morning would suck without my first cup of coffee and milk.
Anyone who knows me would say that I put too much milk and sugar in my coffee, but that is how I like it. I have been considering using less milk and making it last longer, an effort to limit the visits to the grocery store.
My mind made up I had to go now! With all the tools the modern supermarket shopper needs I got in my car and made it to the supermarket parking lot.
It was not that bad a small number of cars and a small number of people going in. Looking thought the window it appeared that there were not too many people inside. A quick check of my supplies, gloves hand sanitizer and mask. I was ready I need to go in now, before any crowds surprised me and the mission would have to be aborted.
No need to stop for a shopping cart, avoid one at all costs if you can. The mission is to get in and to get out quickly.
All those years of playing Pac-Man prepared me for this moment. Up one aisle down the next spot a person retreat and go the other way. Follow the flow and be safe. Darn lady in this aisle is side pushing the cart with no way around. Sh**! I cannot go back more people coming down the aisle behind me.
My chest tightens and I make it a few steps closer to the lady. She notices me and moves the cart enough for me to squeeze by. Perfect! Now I can get by rush to the dairy case grab the milk and make it to the cashier.
Not that easy this large size fellow is in the way. Practicing my social distancing not getting close. Wow, how long is he going to look at the non-dairy milk in the refrigerator. I wait patiently he moves and I go in, the milk is mine. With all my energy I made it to the cash register.
I reach for my wallet feel around in my pocket. A feeling of panic sets in I forgot my wallet. Where is my wallet? I check my other pocket there it is. Grab my credit card swipe and I am out.
I am overwhelmed because it is only the being of the week and I need to do this again in a few days.
My new normal I am a supermarket Ninja.