It took me a long time to figure out what Redbubble items were selling. The most popular seem to be stickers, posters and T-shirts. Although occasionally I will sell a sweatshirt or a greeting card. So those seem to be the most popular items on the Redbubble website. Based on the search results and my personal sales through the platform, as far as I can tell.
By speaking with successful Redbubble artists, I’ve gained insight into the types of designs that sell well. Text memes, graphics like fan art in the Redbubble fan art program, photographs, and original digital art are listed in order of success.
You’ll need to come up with a variation that works for you.
Starting your own store as an artist is one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do. That should not be the case!
You should be able to concentrate on what you enjoy doing, which is coming up with fresh designs. Anything more than that may appear to be unnecessary effort.
If you’re wondering how to get started selling on Redbubble, the following will put you in the correct direction:
I’ve seen suggestions for adding three to ten tags, or even twenty to fifty tags, and so on… Even Redbubble’s own suggestions are contradictory. The truth is that the number of tags you use when submitting your design has an impact on both your chances of being discovered and your ranking in the search results. You’ll appear higher in the matching search results if you utilize fewer tags and avoid tag spamming.
There have been some cases of tag spammers getting onto the front page, but eventually the team at Redbubble finds those results and removes them and it could get your account banned.
Whatever words you add in the title of your work are indexed by the Redbubble search engine. The search index will include all terms if your title is “Silly Cat Dancing.” I strongly urge you to add your most important tags in both the Title and Tags field. Repeated tags have a higher chance of scoring well.
I found that titles can be somewhat lengthy. I haven’t yet discovered the limit. In addition, there appears to be no penalty for extended titles on Redbubble.
A solid description can save you a lot of time when you’re pinning your products on Pinterest. While on your product page, click the Pinterest Save Button to get an image with a decent pin description already filled in.
In fact, if you’re serious about making money on Redbubble, you should put a lot of effort into the title and description of your product.
After all, including decent product descriptions is one of the simplest ways to get your artwork seen by Redbubble’s search engine and boost sales.
When you start submitting links to your designs on social media and other websites like Pinterest, Google will start to pay more attention to you. Your creations, on the other hand, need time to be indexed and found. Keep in mind that around 90% of all webpages are not indexed by Google. At least some of your designs should be linked from somewhere other than Redbubble.
Everyone believes that when it comes to Redbubble, patience is required. That if you keep uploading, sales will come. But why are we being kept waiting for so long? The obvious reason is that Google, the most essential search engine of all, takes time to index your designs. Because you won’t have many links in Google when you first start utilizing Redbubble, you won’t get much organic traffic.
To put it another way, you want to be as detailed as possible so that people can find your art.
Use tags sparingly and avoid overusing keywords in the description. Use one or two powerful keywords/phrases in the description and weave them in naturally.
When you initially start selling on Redbubble, the most important thing to remember is not to give up after a few weeks or months. Finding success on Redbubble takes time, patience, and practice. Furthermore, every product you design and every sale you make adds to the data you need to figure out what sells and what doesn’t.
I strongly suggest you to generate multiple copies of the same artwork for various product types if you have the ability to do so!
Doing this one simple thing can boost customer conversion dramatically. They prefer to buy products that look to have been designed precisely for the product they’re buying. An example socks that have graphics that fit the all the available printing area as opposed to just one section of the sock. Customers can tell that this design was specifically created for that product.
Spending time improving your shop design is another technique to increase your Redbubble sales.
Consider the last time you made an internet purchase. Most likely, the website you were purchasing on appeared to be quite slick!
The harsh reality is that in order to sell things online, your store must look attractive, have a consistent theme, a logo, and some type of branding.
Treat your Redbubble shop as if it were a small business. That includes going over your sales and statistics and making adjustments as needed. Things that worked for you a few months ago may no longer work for you now.
Successful Redbubble sellers have identified a formula that works and have ramped it up! That’s the key learn from your mistakes and make correction ramping up as you go along.